sexta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2015


If you're looking for penpals for the first time or have some difficulty 
writing the first letter
here's some tips to you ...

I know, sometimes is not easy to talk about ourselves with someone 
you never saw or talked before,
you don't know what he/she does like or no
or what will happen

1. first of all, be sincere and write what you are and what 
you're looking for... as is the first letter, you don't need to write and write
turning it so long
you don't need to tell the story of your life

2. you need to introduce yourself, so... say your first name, birthday, 
where you're from, about your profession 
or studies, about your hobbies,
you could say a little about your family, pets, your city,
about your favorite things (actors, movies, books, etc.)

3. try to make some questions about what you'd like to know 
of your new friend,
it's a nice way to start themes to talk about,
but please be polite and not disturb with so personal questions
maybe they couldn't like to answer

4. If you like to collect something, say what you like
and ask if maybe the person would be interested to 
swap...  for example
post cards, stamps, currency, magnets, etc.

5. If you're learning a new idiom, it'd be an excellent way to practice it,
one could help each other

6. Don't say lies or something rude

7. Open your mind to different cultures and remember 
each people from different country has your own tradition, 
religion and points of views that can be different of yours 
and must be respected

8. Try to use beautiful paper to write
and a good handwritting

9. you can write a letter by hand or type it in case 
you don't like your handwriting (or feel pain for writing so long)
sometimes some people don't like letters typed into computer
but I think it's not a big problem to a good and real friendship
if this is the unique and better way   

10. And you could conclude the letter in a way that leaves things open 
and invites a reply  like ...
"I look forward to getting to know you better and I hope to hear 
from you  as soon as possible... best wishes" and say your name and date

Now......... good luck !!! and keep writing !!!


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